Sunday, December 4, 2011

Philippine Blog Awards 2011

I have been thinking about setting up my own blog for the longest time but had serious doubts and misgivings about writing my thoughts on the world wide web. I mean, who on earth cares what I have to say? Also, I dont really feel comfortable having other people (strangers) talking about me (as they are strangers!) but mayhaps it is about time I save up the blog name I had decided to have years back from being used by another person.

I have had "Perpetual Dementia" as a signature for the longest time and have not really run across anybody else using it . I maybe wrong as their is a multitude of posts and opinions and what have you out there but I could probably trace some posts I have done on the few forums I am a member of to back up my claim but I dont think it would come to that (who cares?).

Had a hard time creating this blog though, people in countries generally using English in the WWW wouldnt have experienced what I usually go through when opening up web pages. Being in the middle east, google and yahoo usually tries to be intuitive and open up web pages in arabic, without really giving you the choice. You will have to scour the whole page trying to find the way to select the "English Language Setting" but it is frustrating as hell. I once had to maneuver through gmail (in arabic) trying to fix my account which seems to have been compromised. Imagine going through the authentification process blindfolded. I was able to do it anyways, no thanks to gmail, sometimes it pays to be a bit savvy.

Back to the title of my post though, if someone has been reading through this and wondering why the hell (can I print expletives here?i'm going to find out soon I guess) did I use that as a title and ramble on about something else. I am actually reading through the list of winners and checking out the blogs in the various category. So far I havent really been impressed but I guess I should really read through a lot of their post before being critical. Been a long time reader of "The Professional Heckler" and I kinda thought he would win although sometimes I wish that the blog of "Tunay na Lalake" was still on as I really thought that was hilarious but it lost steam shortly after bursting through the scene. I wonder how they choose the winners? Is it by the most hits or followers?By voting? i think the latter as I remember reading some pleas (I should put that as requests but will leave it as it is) from people asking you to vote for them and then listing ways to be able to vote more than once by clicking and clicking on the vote link (after a certain amount of time). Democracy in action. Anyways, congratulations to the winners and hope to be able to read the articles you wrote that makes you deserving.

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